Vacation request

Off you go on vacation: Easily process vacation requests with MSO, from submission to approval/release to personnel accounting.
Off you go on vacation: Easily process vacation requests with MSO, from submission to approval/release to personnel accounting.

Off you go on vacation: Easily process vacation requests with MSO, from submission to approval/release to personnel accounting.

Leave entitlements, planned vacation days and remaining leave always up-to-date for all parties involved (applicant, manager and personnel accounting) and at a glance in the applicant’s cockpit.

  • What exactly is a holiday request?
  • For which companies/industries is the holiday application template suitable?
  • Do I need any prior knowledge to use this template?
  • Can I customise the template to my specific needs?
  • How does the MSO holiday application differ from other ways of applying?
  • How does the template promote teamwork?
  • Where can I get support with further questions?

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