Idea Management

Do you have no or only little-used idea management? Bring new momentum to your idea management and benefit from the ideas of your employees. With MSO’s idea management, you offer your employees the opportunity to contribute their ideas in a simple and structured way and track them until they are effectively implemented.

Idea Management

Do you have no or only little-used idea management? Bring new momentum to your idea management and benefit from the ideas of your employees. With MSO’s idea management, you offer your employees the opportunity to contribute their ideas in a simple and structured way and track them until they are effectively implemented.
  • What exactly is idea management?
    Idea management (often also referred to as a company suggestion scheme) consists of stimulating, collecting, evaluating and implementing suitable ideas that aim to achieve (internal) improvements in terms of quality, compliance, image, occupational health and safety, the environment, energy, customer or employee satisfaction, etc. as well as new features/innovations and/or cost savings. As far as possible, all employees, and possibly even external parties, can be involved and their ideas rewarded accordingly.
  • For which companies/industries is the idea management application suitable?
    The idea management application is suitable for companies of all sectors and sizes that need a clear and uncomplicated approach to collecting and tracking their ideas in one place.
  • Do I need any prior knowledge to use this template?
    It is advantageous to have a basic knowledge of cost/benefit analysis, but the template is designed to be intuitive and easy to use with accompanying instructions.
  • Can I customise the template to my specific needs?
    Yes, our idea management template is flexibly configurable and can be easily customised to the specific needs and requirements of your company.
  • How does the idea management application differ from other suggestion schemes?
    Ideas can be submitted and tracked by all employees at any time in an uncomplicated, simple and transparent manner. MSO idea management does not end with the selection (and rewarding) of ideas, as is often the case in company suggestion schemes, but rather these ideas are tracked, including their effective implementation within the company.
  • How does the template promote teamwork?
    The employees are at the centre. Ideas are not generated/specified and implemented centrally by a (management) department; instead, all employees can contribute their ideas to the company at any time in a simple and uncomplicated way.
  • Where can I get support with further questions?
    If you have any further questions or need support in using our template, please feel free to contact us using our contact form.

Screenshots of the template

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