The PDCA cycle is the favored standard procedure for achieving the continuous or ongoing improvement required by the management system regulations in a structured and systematic manner;
As a rule, methods for identifying opportunities, risks, deviations and potential are successfully established in companies; Examples include internal audits, complaint management, data analysis, reviews and idea management; However, there is often a lack of structured processing of the knowledge gained, especially in the implementation (DO) and effectiveness evaluation (CHECK) and almost always in the standardization of effective measures through corresponding regulations in the management system (ACT).
The PDCA workflow supports the structured implementation of measures through to standardization so that the improvement is sustainable.
Each completed status automatically triggers the next. Your cockpit/board shows you which measures have which status, who is responsible and what the current target date is.
Integrated checklists help to remember and document all adjustments. Examples include processes, procedures, test plans, FMEA, audit checklists and IT systems.