Many business processes that are usually still carried out manually today via Excel, Word, e-mail etc. can be digitized and thus automated using a workflow tool. This gives companies both a time advantage, as processes can be run through faster and more efficiently, and a qualitative advantage through greater transparency, control and compliance;
In times of advancing digitalization, data is playing an increasingly important role in the value creation process of products and services or simply in the economy as a whole (keyword Industry 4.0). A successful digital transformation of organizational structures, processes and business models is therefore essential in order to become and remain successful. You have probably also already heard that data is the new oil or other comparisons that emphasize the outstanding position of data in the age of digitalization. In what way it makes sense to compare data with oil, where the similarities and differences lie, and what all this has to do with meaningful reports is explained in the following.
Vacation or sickness replacements can’t find their way around, material inventories are too high or low for the assembly area, processing times are exceeded due to search times (so-called dead times), equipment can’t be charged due to missing power connections, access points are blocked, safety risks arise, damage to equipment, leaks and faulty or missing tools are detected too late, working in chaos satisfies neither the employees nor the management and is even less suitable for customer views. The motivation to conduct walk-throughs using the 5S method can be manifold. In this blog post, you will learn how to implement it successfully and how you can not only carry out your walk-throughs and 5S audits, but also digitalize and automate them.
It is often considered and discussed whether an out-of-the-box (standard) or a custom software solution is the right one. The former is characterized by immediate availability and starting possibility (plug & play), the latter by the fact that it can be developed tailor-made according to the individual needs and requirements. The questions that arise are: Does this have to be an either-or decision? – Must out-of-the-box solutions really forego individual, customer-specific adaptability? [Small spoiler beforehand: No, it doesn’t.] This ultimately leads us to answer the question of why companies rely on freely configurable and scalable no-code software frameworks.
Digitally connected processes enable more flexible, (energy) efficient, individualized and cost-effective production. Management, administration and support processes should also not be neglected. This blog post will show you how process digitization can be successful.
Kaizen (from the Japanese “kai” for “change” and “zen” for “for the better”) is a management approach to continuous change and improvement, which has led to great success in the lean production of Japanese automobile manufacturers and has been applied in this part of the world since the 1990s as “CIP” (continuous improvement process) in all areas of production and quality management. In the following, we will introduce you to seven management methods in the continuous improvement process (CIP) that could be useful to you:
Big Data and AI offer enormous potential in data processing outside the IT sector as well. This is no longer a secret. However, outdated structures often still exist when it comes to strategy, project, action and task management. But how do you solve this problem? Is it perhaps ultimately all just a question of the right data?
Globalisation, technological change, data protection, cyber defence as well as all of a sudden pandemic management, shifts in demand, declining orders, delivery stops and payment defaults – cost reduction measures are indispensable for a lot of companies in view of the current challenges. Effective cost management comprises hereby much more than just reducing costs.
Climate change remains a central issue even in the current situation. As a result, the pressure on companies to proactively address climate protection and make a contribution continues to increase. But how can this be achieved? More on this in this article.
An agile and consistent strategy management enables the management to control the development progress of the company and to react quickly to changes if necessary. MSO’s strategy management tool supports you in making your corporate vision an integral part of your everyday business – from the formulation of individual goals to their implementation throughout the company.
How much it costs to control, monitor, track and evaluate/report actions depends closely on the software used. This article provides an overview of the total costs, amortization and savings potential(s) of a professionally operated action management system.
The standardized products of large providers such as Jira, Stackfield, Trello and co. often support only one method of project management – e.g. Kanban or Scrum – which leads to inefficiencies, especially in projects with multi-stage phases, because there are simply no flexible models or methods that address individual needs. No matter which parameter you set – size, duration, complexity, networking, participation, resources, etc. – not all projects are the same and the advantages of individually configurable software are therefore very apparent.
Despite the increasing market presence of standardized (project) management tools such as Trello or Slack, a Gartner study in 2018 came to the somewhat surprising conclusion that the majority of all SMEs still manage projects and tasks using Microsoft Excel and Outlook. The consequences are long, confusing tables and endless E-Mail chains, which only complicate the work. That’s why companies need context-specific software solutions that enable them to collaborate in a contemporary way – without Excel lists!